How to spring clean hand tools

It’s time to refresh your tools with a spring clean so you can start getting crafty! If you’ve been thinking about an upcycling project or home improvement – now’s a great opportunity to lubricate, clean and prevent rust on your hand tools with your 3-IN-ONE household helpers.

How to spring clean your tools

When it comes to spring cleaning your tools, start with the basics! Gather your clean cloths, 3-IN-ONE products and small brushes. Dust down your tops for a space to work and clean each tool from top to bottom and make sure everything is working how it should. Start with the big items and then move onto the small.

Let’s look at your spring clean 3-IN-ONE steps:

  1. Clean
    Your Degreaser Spray makes easy work of built-up grime and dust from the blades. Spray over the rusted parts to penetrate and loosen seized parts – remember to let it sink in for a couple of minutes. With a clean cloth, wipe away and watch the rust disappear.
  2. Lubricate
    Once your tools are clean and free from rust, apply your Oil Spray to the hinges and blades and work in by opening and closing them a few times. Then, wipe with new cloth to remove excess oil.
  3. Protect
    Using the red spout, apply a couple of drops of your Drip Oil to the metal blades and parts. Wipe across the entire tool to leave a rust-protecting layer.


Let’s look at some of the different tools that might need a spring clean:

  • Saws
    Use a small brush to remove sawdust and any sap that’s built up on the blade – remember to clean between the teeth. Apply your Degreaser if there’s a heavy layer of grime or skip straight to spraying down the blades with your Oil Spray and wipe all over. Apply a few drops of Drip Oil on the teeth for added protection and dab away excess.
  • Shears and scissors
    For a deep clean, use your Degreaser, or if they’re already well maintained, simply apply your Oil Spray and wipe along the blade. To lubricate the pivot points, use your Drip Oil for easy opening and closing. Blot away excess oil.
  • Shovel and spades
    Remove dirt and stuck-on blades of grass and use your brush to help. Then, use your Degreaser Spray, leaving it a couple of minutes to work its magic, and wipe away to reveal a clean surface. Apply your Oil Spray to lubricate and protect the long blades and apply a drop of Drip Oil to the hinges. Work it in and dab with a new cloth! 
  • Hammers
    Make sure there aren’t any loose parts. If the hammer head is rusty, put your Degreaser Spray to the task or jump to cleaning and protecting. Clean the handle and head with a little Drip Oil to nourish the wood and protect the metal.
  • Pliers
    Open the jaws and brush away dust and dirt. Apply a small amount of Drip Oil to the pivot points and to the jaws, and wipe to lubricate, clean and prevent rust!


Make your spring clean easy with the right 3-IN-ONE household helpers by your side. Pick up your favourite products from our Amazon shop or find our stockists and arm yourself with everything you need to make a tough job easy.

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